Wednesday afternoon was a nice family pic-nic at the park: a late celebration of Micah's b-day. There was more pizza, cake & presents. Justin played ball with the boys & fetch with Scout. Justin, Deb & Em played some catch in a big field. Sarah & Mom comforted me. It was a nice distraction for the kids. No pics.......sorry.
Then, on Thursday, I took Seth to the ER for some lower-right belly pain he was having. Sure enough, it was his appendix. He went into surgery around 2:30 am Friday. All went well. We had a 2-day hospital stay. I was able to stay with him & had the baby with me too. They even put a bed in there for me. Justin took an extra day off & stayed home with the other 4 boys. I hovered over Seth & drove the nurses crazy. Seth was pretty excited when they wheeled him down the hall into surgery. He said, in complete awe, "I always wondered what this was like!!!" I tried to get the nurse to yell "STAT!!!" for Seth, but he was a party pooper. During the surgery, I was a nervous wreck & talked to God a lot. That was the hardest part for me. I knew it was a common thing.........but, you baby was in SURGERY. Seth said the worst part of his stay & of his pain was the hunger he felt when the Dr wouldn't let him eat for a day & 1/2. He got very tired of juice & jello!!! He would probably say the best part of his stay was the drugs they gave him, though he doesn't remember much from when he was on them. He did do a nice Darth Vader impression for the nurses. He interacted with the TV shows he was watching & told Will Smith (on Fresh Prince) that his friends were just jerks anyway & to let them go. He also said that the TV & the air vent were arch rivals & would kill each other. He found rhyming jello, mellow, fellow & bellow to be very intriguing. He even bellowed I would know what the word meant. Now he is home & recovering nicely. Thankfully, he only needs Motrin.