It finally snowed for real this week in Nampa, Idaho. The temps have fallen to below freezing at times. Because of Justin's weird work schedule, it was hard to find just the right time to go Christmas tree shopping. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I loaded the boys into the car & went tree shopping without Daddy. As you can see, the boys were freezing.
Creepy giant snow man on the Christmas Tree lot. (Adding to the creepiness, is the absence of Seth's face in this picture....)
Standing in front of a really BIG, awesome Christmas tree that we found. Tree shopping with the boys was fun. It made me feel nostalgic about the days when my Daddy used to walk down the street in North Seattle, with my sisters & I, to Chubby & Tubby's. He'd let us help pick out a tree & casually sling it over his strong shoulders. Then we'd make the 3-block treck back home. It's not exactly going up into the mountains & chopping down your own tree, but I still enjoy those memories. I want my kids to look back at these times with same fondness. (As you can see, Isaac is thoroughly enjoying the experience.......)
Jarod's creation
This is the tree we actually bought. What? I'm not actually Super Woman. As I have tried to explain before, even though I am a mother of 6 boys, I don't REALLY leap tall buildings in a single bound or stop trains from crashing. And I don't try to buy, haul & assemble HUGE Christmas trees. I usually try to take the easy way out.....truth be told. For me, it's all about basic survival. So, THIS (pointing to above pic) is what happens when I try to "play Daddy". Also, don't TELL Justin, but I didn't even use the Christmas tree stand. I let Seth help me hack off the bottom of the trunk (more like thick stem) with our hatchet which Seth dug out of the camping gear in the garage. I was only struck in the forehead by one flying wood chip (eye gear might have been a good idea....). I stuck the tree in a large cooking pot (also taken from the camping gear in the garage) with rocks from the yard & some water. Whatever works, right? I think I did pretty well. And I think the kids did a great job decorating our little tree. However, I hope next year the real Daddy will be able to help us with the whole Christmas tree experience. He does a much better job, he remembers his eye gear & Christmas-tree-shopping memories are much better with him in them. :-)
I realize that this looks like white-ish dirt to many of you, but the Winter's first .735 inches of snow is always a big deal around here. The kids wake up, look out the window and jump up & down screaming, "Snow! Snow! Snow!" There is NO peace for me until I finally give in to their 5,000 desperate pleas to let them go out & play in it. So, I spend the next 45 minutes getting everyone's snow-things on them so they can go play for 20 minutes in their now .628 inches of snow. But they love it, I get cute all works out in the end. I can't help getting a little giddy with them when I see the flakes fall. Maybe next time we'll get enough snow to make a snow man!The dog & her boy.
Abigail's been having some "cheese-issues" with the camera lately.
Olivia's snow ball. When she threw it, it broke apart in the air & looked more like a mini-snow-blizzard than a snowball........but I give her an "A" for effort.
Snow buddies.
Baby's First Snow! (I made him watch from inside......poor kid.)
Titus had a nice time opposed to last year when he HATED the snow because it was too wet. Hooray for progress! :-)
Love this smile. It's how I feel inside, watching them all play.
This is what you get when you ground an artistic boy from his Wii. Translation, "I am Mario." "I am King Boo." "I will kill you now." Stomp, stomp. Game over. "I am dead."